My Story
Evolving 50– helping women age with grace.
Welcome! Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Lisa Cooper. I am a mother, blogger, business manager, and involved in whatever else comes my way. I have three wonderful children. My oldest son is 29 and lives in another state. My other son is 19 and my daughter is 17. When I turned 50, I decided to embrace this new stage in my life. What better way to face the inevitable changes than to start a forum where I can share what I have learned over the past 50 years and seek out new things to experience.
The name Evolving50 came to me one day when I realized that I was truly evolving as a person more so than at any other time in my life. Gone were the many of the time constraints of having a young family and hesitations that I might had in my earlier years. I am a self-proclaimed skincare and make-up junkie. I love sharing skincare and make-up tips, as well as the latest wellness, everyday fashion, and lifestyle trends. Evolving50 is about sharing, trying new things, and community. I want all women to be the best that they can be.
If you want to reach out, I would love to hear from you! Remember to sign up for my emails. You won’t want to miss any of my blogs. Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook. Thanks for following.